

Life —


an urge to go

to deeper recesses

but annulling force

of buoyancy doesn’t relax

until volcano erupts.

Agastya gone to south

weary Vindhyas await

in dolorous hope of return.

t gushes to satiate

heat of the soil,


enthralling melody simmers

on the waves:

it is mermaid.

Quest is over.

Storm is calm.




Last month

she was weak and tender,

yet did not let me ford;                                                                                         

the boat ferried me

to the other shore.

Now, she is he

and I fear to ford;

the boat ferries me

to the other shore.

River chameleon

of self; boat engenders

faith and hope.




As I dare peep out

through the window,

eyes reel

at the sight of a whirligig


in the lee of pythons …

Headless bodies

march in

a mute procession

leading to a maze …

Terrible cries follow

in an uproar

without human shores.

Numberless snakes

leave holes in Siberia

to live in cities …

Strange! Can’t shut eyes.

Ignorance and greed …

Perishing Man?




In this antagonistic society


tend to become acute

with unsympathetic attitude.

Civilization cannot reverse gears

nor present to past.

What, then, do we expect

in this jungle

of automation?

Vats-man is captive,

machines instruct,

calculate and infer


of Homo sapiens.

Bits of reality

concatenated together give rise

to a new set of ideas.

What other role awaits

insignificant cog

in this robot culture

where soul defies

the principle of metempsychosis?

and enters into

wires, screws, transistors,

magnets and diaphragms

to help, interpret and amuse?

Where has gone

logic of inventive thought?

Fissures of cerebrum dive deep

into the waves

of computers and genetic code

in a venture

to unriddle the skein.

Estranged soul entangles itself

in the criss-cross of vibrations.

Entirely new features prop up

The land nourished by

Synthetic culture and ideals.

Plethora demoniac

descends down on the earth

like a beam

to impregnate

the abortive eye;

compassions, pity, sympathy

face retreat

before hypocrisy and cynicism

Eros – the fairest –

dominates the Murdoch’s scene

where human crucibles

boil and transpire

and fall down with rain

promiscuously indiscernible

like a chemical whole.

Nature has been cruel

to the honest individual.

Painful cries rend

the sky and ocean alike

on the pitiless planet

where to do ill is the sole delight.

Can clouds save any more

the blistering skin,

breeze balm

the parched mind,

the marmorial wind

stop the bleeding

of throbbing heart?

Thoughts peal in echoes

and defile the flow

of one serene and tranquil idea

Amazon deep and Mississippi long

and bound to leave

as clearly as one can

without having any kinds

to hand the sores of misery.

Individual bound

to lose moral identity

on the verge of catastrophe.

Ordinary time flows into

Bhrigu time.

Unknowingly centuries know

yet feel not so.

What is time?

Who cannot tell?


All know. Yet nobody knows.

In this affluent society

watch and sit, sit and watch

before the signaling knob;

morn to eve, eve to morn


on the cross-roads of crises

minutes are stretching longer

than hours and days;

years contracted to seconds.

Passions degenerated into

mechanized smiles

while coming and going

lips frigid to flowery kisses

inside the tube.

Brooks and parks

mysteriously disappeared

in the forced isolation

as glass acquaria stepped

into a room of hundredth

storey steel-house.

The unique individual

steadily disappears

at the hapless fate of RNA

and the soil is ready

for a bumper crop of deformities.

A business-minded mother

decides to be pregnant

for those who do not want

to lose their shape.

Neuromycin frees the brain

from habitual reflexes

and switches off reaction

and drops blank

unconscious schizoid problems

of unreal schizoid individuals

of this promising age



DC Chambial