

No need to shout about love on the street,

There is no need to write about love in blood or in chat. No

need to talk about your love

To every stranger.

But when the waves begin to overwhelm the ship,

When the stars in the sky begin to fade en masse, Love

will rise to its gigantic heights

And silently will save everyone who has love.



My adult life began at the age of 15, with what other lives

usually end with: I was shot. But not to the end. Therefore, on

my 19th birthday, Captain Verevkin ordered me to be shot a

second time on the Soviet-Finnish border. Fortunately, this

order was canceled at the last moment. I graduated from the

Mining University in St. Petersburg and for many years I was

engaged in various minerals: I searched and extracted copper,

lead, zinc, tungsten, platinum, gold, diamonds, jadeite,

precious stones, coal, oil and gas. I have worked underground

at a depth of 2,200 meters and in the mountains at an altitude

of 4,500 meters above sea level, I have walked the Siberian

taiga and the Arctic tundra, I have been to places where there

is not a single living person within a radius of 500 kilometers.

Without telephone and radio communication, on a polar night

in the icy Arctic desert, together with two comrades in

misfortune, I froze in a broken all-terrain vehicle without a

single chance of salvation. Among the Siberian taiga, I saw a

car that exploded and burned down with the driver, in which I

was supposed to be. They threw a live grenade at me, they

tried to sell me at the slave market in Kandahar, Afghanistan.

Many miracles happened to me before I wrote about my life

crazy poems…

Four years ago I had a stroke, the left part of my brain stopped

working, my right leg and right arm almost did not obey me,

but I wanted to fly a paraglider. They told me, You’re crazy,

you can't fly." But I answered: "to fly, me

need wings. I am a poet, I have wings!" And I flew. A

year ago, my chest was dissected, my heart was removed, the

aorta was replaced and the heart was inserted into my chest

again. I live. I write poetry. I enjoy every day. I love this world

and I know that God loves poets!


Eldar Akhadov