
Human nature is conspicuous by two such aspects that are opposite to each other. One is positive and the other is negative. These are inherent in human beings. Positive nature leads one to reach the goal with positive thoughts, energy and zeal. It is mostly acquired through cult of knowledge possible only by way of academic pursuit which begins with family education and training. It is also bolstered by the company one keeps as much as the socio-political ambience one lives in.

On the other hand, negative nature develops silently to cast an adverse effect on whatever we do or plan to do so that we can make ourselves self-centric and material-minded. It means growing unbridled desire for worldly pleasure and enjoyment. It happens when the positive nature is obstructed or fails to rein in the negative forces active within a human being. Needless to mention, lure of the material world is sometimes so pervading that man forgets what human birth is meant for.

As we know Holy Scriptures of all religions have articulated love for all — from human beings to  plant and animals so that the right to live and let others live becomes our true motto but who cares nowadays? Entangled in a rat race to amass more and more property and wealth, we are encouraging negative forces to dominate the human psyche. Not that we are not aware of its consequences .But, driven by greed and gluttony, we seem to have slipped into a mindless state.

Apart from the Holy preaching, Yoga or meditation can go a long way to tame negative vibes by exerting power to control oneself. That nurturing positive nature is a precondition to subverse the claws of materialism in the modern age of silicon culture, and spate of consumerism requires a mindset to be developed from within. We have the legacy of the  Hindu Rishis, Buddhist monks, Sufi saints, Sikh gurus and Jain sages who have shown the way  to have control over our mind by thinking and acting rationally and positively.

Notably also, we have a knowledge bank full of books and journals on moral, ethical and ideological empowerment. It may be of relevance here if we cite a particular book that deals with incidents in real life of a criminal. Written by Fyodor Dostoevsky, the famous novel is, ‘The Crime and Punishment’. Apparently, a detective novel is primarily concerned with purification of a criminal’s inner self, the role of police, and human psychology in the depiction of several characters realistically. In today’s world when the number of crimes is on the increase and religious gurus are often found fake, we need to charge up our minds to read such books of eternal values to develop signs of positive nature.

This online Journal, since its beginning, has been urging upon developing individual creative ability — a sine qua non of the positive aspect of life.

Herewith, we again give the call — come, express yourself boldly to drive away all negative forces. Be positive, think positive, and act accordingly.

Dr. Manas Bakshi,

Associate  Editor.