OBSERVATIONS   From the back veranda I observe the cloud formations —  Cirrus, Strato, Alto, Nimbus and Cumulus congestus their names roll across the sky and just as quickly fade  from my fickle memory leaving only the cobalt blue of willow pattern porcelain.   By, Piers Davies Ph: 64 9 5246 927Email: piersdavies153@gmail.com16 Crocus Place RemueraAuckland […]

Editing Out “ editing keeps you sane”

Editing Out “ editing keeps you sane”   By day I forget my past transgressions– the jokes that hurt the school yard collision the lack of sufficient help to those in need at home or around the world failures to confront injustice because of expediency and a quieter life.   Daylight is a great editor […]


THE JAPANESE GARDEN 1 rushing to a moment of zen breaks all the rules but has its reward 2 arriving too soon the double gate is barred zen denied   By, Piers Davies Ph: 64 9 5246 927Email: piersdavies153@gmail.com16 Crocus Place RemueraAuckland 1050, New Zealand