BALANCE One day, crying out to God for mercy, The snake arrived. With a request creeping up, She asked: “God, I’m tired of crawling, Well, make heart melt, From my beauty to all men.” Having fulfilled the request, the Creator told her: “You will remain a snake and in female form, And you […]

DON’T GIVE FLOWERS. Don’t give flowers, dear friend, don’t give them! Do not call to the gardens in the spring under the moon, Don’t whisper words to me, don’t whisper gentle words, Life has passed by, and love has passed by… I saw it today… you and her, … with another,.. The looks […]
Curb the uninvited Cains

Curb the uninvited Cains I would like a light song about tenderness, I would like to be a bird on a long journey, Yes, the desire to fulfill the cherished, Yes, the anxiety is high. Walk over the edge of the cliff, To make the heart beat violently, Clutching a handkerchief like a […]
Half A Face

Half A Face The lonely moonThe sky is alive with bright hues of orange, Yellow, and grayBeneath the dark green cedar treeIt is quiet on the bench where we sitThinking darkness is just another shade of lightInhaling deepYou clear your throat, stand upWipe tears and begin to sing lyrics in a broken voiceTelling stories of unfulfilled […]
Almost Perfect

Almost Perfect Without any centremy true self peels offin layers ofmemories, dreams, desires–some experienced,others unfulfilled. I remember notbeing myselfmy thoughtsand promisesyours or mine. I will be myselfthe day I catch the windswith my fingersto become firewith a passionate glow,melt and crystallizeinto a rare and perfect glass. ~ Ashok K. BhargavaVancouver, Canada.