
Blazing bright
And alluring
crimson The
maple leaves
Look pretty and proud.
How do you do this?
Say all other trees,
With a touch of
envy in the forest of
To be this radiant and red,
my friendyear after year,
I surrender my green.



(Welsh- Longing for/ Missing a place that doesn’t exist, you havenever seen)

A gentle breeze from mountains nearby
cools my skin, kissed by sun.
Blades of grass tickle my feet,
Bees are buzzing on flowers wild.
As I run towards the river’s might,
My spirit is wild like the hair

My heart pounding with the joy of flight,
The shine in my eyes expressing its light.
The hand I hold is safe and warm,
It talks to me of stories untold.
A serene bliss radiates from me
reflecting the oneness of deepest love.
Our vibrations resonate and dance like us,
making a symphony with wind and birds.
Chasing horizons is children’s play,
we desire to jump and fly beyond.

Is this a longing or a dream?
How do I miss it- it was never mine?
Several countries, tens of places,
a hundred mountains – still I am searching.
Where on earth is this place?
Where is the beloved who loves like this?
Years of search not of any avail.

Yet, every time I close my eyes,
I see it, smell it, hear and feel.
This place is where I meet my soul
and let it show me how loved I am.
This is where I meet myself.
This is where I love and live
just the way I am meant to be.

Dr Suruchi Arora