Darkness or Light

Whenever Darkness occurs

There is always a search for light,

Even in the black universe,

The stars are still very bright.

When nothingness explodes

The dark fights with the light,

The winner still remains unknown,

Though dark seems to dominate,

But what about light’s fate?

Darkness is friends with light

Still, it can’t stop the path of light.

Light is a form of darkness, and darkness is a form of light

Just with adverse effects in our life

It’s on us which form we need

Either we sleep or lead,

The world keeps asking

Are we the darkness or the light?



In a place with similar humans.

Similar aims; similar lives; similar needs

Sitting with eyes but not minds


Garden, forest, school, or none

Or may be focused with no fun.


Hopes for time to go fast

Hopes for every minute to be last.


Learning about what we really need

In a way which is not right,

Complaints all over the country

But can’t come together to fight


Randomness flowing in brains

Just like blood in the veins,

Now, everybody looks the same

Not surprising, but out of frame.


One loud voice, all back on road,

All Forced to change their mode


Jaagrit Dhamija