Editing Out

“ editing keeps you sane”


By day I forget

my past transgressions–

the jokes that hurt

the school yard collision

the lack of sufficient help

to those in need at home

or around the world

failures to confront injustice

because of expediency

and a quieter life.


Daylight is a great editor

disinfecting and expunging

but not long after midnight

nagging ghosts creep back

accusing and confronting

eliminating much desired rest

demanding renewed commitment

to just struggles and forlorn hopes

taking chances to give real love

to the desperate of  humanity.



From the back veranda

I observe the cloud formations — 

Cirrus, Strato, Alto, Nimbus

and Cumulus congestus

their names roll across the sky

and just as quickly fade 

from my fickle memory

leaving only the cobalt blue

of willow pattern porcelain.


Piers Davies

Was born in Sydney, Australia, but has lived most of his life in Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand. He has been a long time writer and reciter of poetry and his poems have been widely published in journals and anthologies in New Zealand and around the World. He has published 4 books/chapbooks of poems, the most recent being  ‘Force Majeure’ ( 2019).  He is co-facilitator of Titirangi Poets and co-editor of its Ezines and anthologies. Sometime Poet Laureate of Haringey,

Email: piersdavies153@gmail.com