In Search of Light

Let’s dance

holding hands.

The silence trickling in

between us

more telling

than the conversation.

In your eyes

saturated with sadness

I see my loneliness

turned inside out.

Like a prayer on lips

you come to me in tiny words

never as a sacrament

no matter how hard I pray.


Infinite Time

I will show you the origin

of infinite time

where the darkness

inseparable from the light

can be seen only through

changing seasons

spring buds

summer blossoms

autumn leaves and

wrinkled winter skins.

The nature of time

is not loneliness but companionship.

Exhale isolation

stretch hands

catch the light

inhale love

open the doors of your heart and

let feet dance to the music of life the

fragrance of passion.


Ashok Bhargava

A bilingual Canadian poet. His poetry reveals a world of light & peace and welcomes the reader into a fresh understanding about the meaning of life. His poetry whispers the secrets of life and shows the joys of living in a moment. He has authored seven books of poetry. He is founder president of WIN: Writes International Network.