It almost scares me

this intimate feeling of peace

deep penetrating

that gives the sense of suspension

of detachment

noises and anxieties

seem to have vanished

in the sweet air

of the evening

but a sudden thought

like the hoarse cawing

of a crow

among goldfinches

merrily twittering

disturbs this quietness


how long will it last

I wonder


in the silence

the awe of the elusive

of the unpredictable

poisons the air

and the fears

of impending storms

destroying the garden of roses

with care cultivated

over the time

invades my mind, my spirit.


Maria Miraglia

Is a bilingual poetess, essayist and translator.  She has a degree in foreign languages and Literature and two master’s degrees. She is a member of the European Academy of Science and Art—Strasburg, the literary director of the Cultural Association Pablo Neruda, a member of several International Writers Associations and Editorial Boards, and the founder and President of the World Foundation for Peace. Author of 21 anthologies and received several awards and recognitions. Her poetry figures in hundreds of anthologies and several magazines worldwide. Her most recent publication,  Echi Nell’ Aria, was published by CTL—Livorno.