
1. Madame Word and Mister Thought


I have talked a little


With great sorrow


But I am saying

That you will not misunderstand me

At the end these are only the words

Of the poet

And you know that it is allowed

to undress the covered thoughts

Every part to undress

So they can wear the costumes of my preference

In every naked part


If this is enough for you

To say I love you

I decide to prefer

What everyone says

To everyone

And the man to his wife


I have completely another idea



What if

The thought has no value for the word

Or the word

The Spirit of human being

Is vocal without thinking deeply

You are miss word

And me, mister wisdom

I have seen them just like this

Myself with you and you with myself

Even this formula of love


Where it has remained after


This is why

You are gorgeous Madame Word

When Mr. Wisdom

Gives the beauty to you



Let’s continue then

We should gather our forces



Is looking at us with anxiety

What is happening with us

But never mind

Miss Word

I want to kiss you now

 Only once

Because the second and the third

 I don’t know how they will come

Let freedom live in freedom


The word

And the brain

Speak what they wish


I want my first kiss now


Jeton Kelmendi