Swerving From Nature        

In the embrace of moon and stars,

amidst mountains grand and bold,

I found solace, health, and peace,

in nature’s loving hold.


The sun, with flames aglow,

offered warmth, not scorching heat,

a cozy embrace, a gentle touch,

in nature’s arms, complete.


But lured by city lights’ allure,

I surrendered, body and soul,

and in the urban rush and roar,

lost sight of nature’s role.


Health waned, vigor dulled,

joy faded, sheen grew dim,

oblivious of nature’s bounteous gifts,

I drifted far from Her.


My spirit yearned for nature’s touch,

for in its bosom, I found my worth,

but in my heedless drift away,

I felt marooned, cut off from earth.


As the moon finds solace in darkness,

love thrives in the sorrowing heart,

angels grace the purest souls,

demons dwell in minds apart,

I now live in nature’s throbbing heart.


Nature’s Intricate Dance       

In nature’s intricate weave we find,

complex patterns, wonders intertwined.

Through interplay of forces, unseen,

ecosystems flourish, landscapes glean.


Behold the beauty, diverse and rare,

intricate patterns beyond compare.

From ecosystems to weather’s sway,

nature’s convolutions hold us in sway.


Captivating scientists, artists, and more,

nature’s mysteries, an endless store.

In her dance, both wild and free,

An exquisite tapestry of life for all to see.



Dr. Dalip Khetrapal 

Currently, working as a reviewer, critic, poet, short -story writer, columnist and the editor of various renowned International journals. Started a new genre in poetry writing by synthesizing various arts and sciences, including medical science and psychiatry.  Authored 14 Poetry anthologies and one book in prose on Pain, Medical Science, religion and mysticism. Recipient of various national and international awards.