To Be Happy

We have to learn to live with the vagaries

and  infirmities of time’s tide that dog us.

Dissentions, resentments and protests too

won’t take one anywhere but for the vale

of despair, despondency, helplessness,

perhaps, cynicism too here in life’s dale.


We’re like a speck of dust flying in air

before Time and Nature – make dance to its tune

and left as insignificant dot on globe.

Neither Spring, nor Summer; neither sun, nor shade

bring comfort and exuberance in  man’s doom

when hailstorm ravages harvest without,

and farmer sits with blood in his eyes and gloom.


To be happy and cheery on this Earth

look at the objects of Nature— plants and birds:

nev’r protest the vagaries of fluid Time.

These dog ev’r happy and loyal to master

whether it gets something or not from him.

It ever welcomes him with flowers in eyes,

rainbows in heart even in days slimy and slim.


No Tears

Head and heart

hurt stood stunned

to hear the death.


Eyes stare in void

search for five elements

Earth to sky.


Emotions stilled

tears reluctant

lake lies frozen.


Sojourn short

toil for fruit

covet proximity.


Shed no tears

hail karmic crafts

when enjoyed this earth.


DC Chambial,

Poet, critic and editor. Recipient of several awards for his poetry from India & abroad. Edits Poetcrit, Maranda (HP) – 176102 since 1988. Email: <>