Value Of Time

If we use time like credit, we will gain from time,

If we use time like debit, we will always lose time.

If we use time as assets, we will always gain profit from time,

If we use time as liabilities, we will always bear loss from time.

If we use time as investment, we will get great return from time,

But if we waste time, time will destroy and ruin us.


Wealth: Its Pros and Cons

You can buy everything with wealth,

But wealth cannot buy happiness.

Wealth can be earned,

But wealth cannot earn you character and respect.

You can buy things of comfort with wealth,

But wealth cannot create a feeling of comfort.

You can buy every valuable of life with wealth,

But wealth cannot buy you life.

You can become rich with wealth,

But wealth cannot make you royal.

You can buy tangible things with wealth,

But wealth cannot buy intangible things.

Wealth can be used till you are alive,

But the moment you take eternal abode,

Wealth is of no use.

Wealth is a blessing if in proportionate quantity,

A curse if in abundance.



By Tanmay Dubey