War And Death


Why canoe to the line sea touch the sky?

An insect that flies to hot flame weds death

towards red burning flames eclipse, moths fly.


Our eyes will have to  close  tight dark one  day

like childhood chase of balls ends at a heath

Why canoe to the line sea touch the sky?


Soldiers fight to kill and die night and day

to maintain the family’s bread and breath

towards red burning flames eclipse, moths fly.


Not buried  bodies scatter and decay

Pilots bomb  on pre-set target depth

why canoe to the line sea touch the sky?


Clouds hide the sun and moon, darken the sky

fireflies’ green glow fails to light up dark earth

towards red burning flames eclipse, moths fly.


Missiles and rockets fire up the night sky,    

red poppy blooms grow in the field of death

why canoe to the line sea touches the sky?

Towards red burning flames eclipse, moths fly.


A poem in Villanelle format. © Mar 5, Ramachandran Rajasekharan