Winged Pleasures

I noticed a huge-winged bird

flying high in the sky

regardless of the happenings below

engrossed in unalloyed pleasures

of the ethereal world,

a world free from

the fever and the fret

where there is no

sadness or sorrow’s sequence

but joy’s jocund company.

The bird floats on the air lightly

carrying no weight

of the weary world

on its bare back.

The blessed being of the azure skies

counter-balanced by

the ever-complaining

earthly race of humans

never, ever happy in

their existing situations,

though endowed with immense

latent potential

yet forgetful of the

power of mighty wings

as those of feathered friends flying

sky-high on their invincible

precious possessions.


Of Dreams

Dreams take us

to unexistent places

Figments of sheer


Generally horrifying,

often pleasant

not believing in

such imaginings

yet dreams lure us

to a world of make-belief,

and we begin to rely on

prophetic aspect of the same.

Dreams are good entertainers

making us enjoy illusions, and

leave us in a state of

“willing suspension of disbelief”.

Another kind of dreams are just

indispensable to reach our goal

the adage goes well,

“The greater the dream,

the greater the success.”

Hence nourish the dreams

rather than being horrified

they’re the stepping stones

to reach an exciting world

of wonders never thought

of in the world of realities.


Dr. Kailash Nath Khandelwal

A retired Professor of English and former principal of National Postgraduate College, Bhongaon (Mainpuri, UP). He supervised 29 research scholars for the degree of Ph. D., besides a number of dissertations. Currently, he is involved in writing poetry (in English and Hindi), short stories, and spiritual literature.